Raise your hand if you love a good crime mystery! My hand is right up there with yours! I love
the whole whodunnit, crime scene-detecting, web-spinning mess! There always seems to be a
scene when the detective turns out the lights and pans the luminol-covered room to reveal traces
of blood left behind to the naked eye.
DUN DUN DUNNNNNN... looks like a murder has taken place! The criminal tried to fool the
detective, but he just couldn't remove all traces of the bloodstain!
Ladies, not to change the subject, but, with all the grime-covered, grass-stained, scenarios you
have cleaned up, have you ever perfected the removal of the dreaded bloodstain? I know my
skills are sorely inadequate. I can come awfully close to renewing a white garment, but there is
always a trace left behind.
A Hidden Stain
So. Sin.
So, my life.
No matter how diligently I try scrubbing this sin or that sin from my life, there is always a hidden
trace left behind. That hidden trace might stay hidden. Then again, it might resurface here and
there or show up redefined; disguised as another stain that cannot be washed out entirely.
But Jesus
How effective is He, really, at forgiving sins and making us like new? What gives him that kind
of authority, anyway?
He is the son of God (Mark 1:11 ), the only person raised from death to life eternal
(1Corinthians 15:3-4 ), Creator (Colossians 1:16, John 1:1 ), and He sits in a place of authority in
heaven.(Mathew 26:64 ). When he walked on the earth, He was confronted with questions
regarding His authority to forgive sins. After all, only God has that authority, right?
Jesus responded
"But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins." He then proceeded to heal a paralytic man, confirming His power on earth. Mark 2:1-12
Knowing all of this about the nature of Jesus, makes Revelations 7:14 come alive for me, like the detective investigating the luminol covered room:
"These (...saints) are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
By believing in His perfect saving grace, we are effectively washing our garments white. Our sins are blotted out. He shines His light on our luminol-covered selves only to reflect His perfection, grace, and mercy for the world to see.
As the mother of a son with an addiction, I confess my guilt has run high, my shame long, and my unforgiveness overwhelming. By not dealing well with his circumstances, I pushed back in other areas of my life.
I stopped taking care of my body.
I ate poorly.
I became sharp-tongued and unforgiving.
I shut God out when I felt powerless.
I blamed myself.
I blamed my husband.
I blamed God.
Lashing out became my middle name, and the stain it left was incriminating. Over time, I convinced myself that I sure wouldn't forgive me. Why should anyone else? Why should God?
My friend, do you have a list? Is there something in your life you can't let go of? Do you keep holding yourself accountable for things of the past? Do you keep taking back what you have already laid on the altar?
Do you see yourself as only your past instead of the renewed you that Christ wants you to be?
Do you have a sin in your life that you think; ‘No matter how hard I scrub, I can still see it?’ Maybe it's invisible to everyone else's eye, but you still cower, like a criminal, waiting to be found out. Let me let you in on a secret.
You will never be perfect.
None of us can.
Jesus is the only One we can hold up as perfection here on earth.
Those sins?
That thing in your past you've been holding on to, and the certainty you have that the evidence is building up against you…
THAT thing has been forgiven!
No one...NO ONE can stand as your accuser any longer because there is no more trace of the stain!
If you are living in fear that you will be found out, give yourself up! Turn yourself in to the only righteous judge. Confess your heart out to Him and then...
Leave. It. There!
He will acquit you. He will set you free. The stain is gone. He already paid the penalty for everything you have already done. Your garment is now white. Renewed. Clean.
Do you know what those who have white garments go on to do?
"Therefore, they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." Rev 7:15-17
It looks like it’s time to change the station. It’s time to move on from the “Who Dunnit” series and settle in for this future reality show that promises to remake us like new. I always did love a good make-over story. How about you?
Catherine Lamont
Catherine resides, with her husband, Ian, in the small mining town of Globe, Arizona. The tug on her heart is to share with others how she overcame her greatest battles in life by groaning with the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to lead her to find a life with peace and joy! She seeks to honor God by providing encouragement, support, and hope for women struggling with their own life altering struggles.
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Oh the freedom of letting go, wish everyone could truly do that! Always moving forward now with so much baggage left behind. Knowing Jesus loves me no matter what, protects and most important forgives me on those days I falter is a happiness that I look forward to now.
My prayer is that everyone will come to understand that kind of freedom! Hugs and blessings, friend!
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